Yes, we must be vulnerable to allow another person to challenge our cherished views; however, the regret of learning the lesson after the opportunity to change the situation has passed is often much worse. Bringing a fresh pair of eyes into our situations can help us see circumstances from a new angle.
fully embrace your divine worth; fearlessly live your soul's purpose; and faithfully encourage others to do the same.
Through this process, I've learned that without a clearly defined intention or purpose, our actions are often driven by anxiety and fear. This is usually related to "enoughness”— Is it good enough? Am I good enough? Am I clear enough? Am I smart enough? Am I...enough?.
I’ve found that once we set intentions that are aligned with our soul’s purpose, we can choose to be guided by Spirit, as opposed to being shoved by fear.
Throughout this publishing process, I have come across a number of "mountains." For example, I was advised to begin focusing on a "brand." As I researched the concept of branding, it grew to be an overwhelming, kagillion ton, solid mass:
Networking, marketing, creating, writing, speaking, motivating, delivering, designing, targeting...OMG!
As a result, I did what any budding brand builder would do...I avoided it! Then one day, I had a vision of large rocks being blast into pieces and it hit me:
Mountains are simply tightly packed stones.
Mountains are easily moved when you break them up into smaller pieces! Instead of focusing on the "branding mountain” before me, I shifted my attention to major stones that make up the mountain:
Stone 1 (What principles guide what I do?) + Stone 2 (What skills do I possess?) + Stone 3 (What do I enjoy doing?) + Stone 4 (How can I put these together to serve others?) = Mountain (branding)
When we are overwhelmed by the thought of moving the mountains in our lives, we must shift our perspective and visualize the smaller stones within each mountain. In moving one stone at a time, eventually we notice that we have moved the mountain.
When planning for our future becomes worrying about our future, we should try to remember that it is God's job to determine exactly HOW our vision will manifest. It is our job to hold the vision, keep our actions aligned with our intentions, and remain aware of the ways in which fear and doubt limit our openness and faith in the belief that all is well.
~ Choose actions that are guided by clearly defined, "big picture" intentions versus fear-driven, narrow goals.
~ A feeling of overwhelm is an indicator that the task at hand can be broken down into smaller, more manageable parts.
~ We can (and should) plan for the future but exactly how our future will unfold is not always in our control.
~ Plans guided by intentions ignite our flames of creativity and allow us to flexibly respond to circumstances. Plans guided by worry can extinguish our creative flames and leave us feeling paralyzed in darkness.
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