I wrote this poem during a meditation wherein I was seeking guidance and clarity. Can you relate to these questions? Do the answers I received resonate with you?
How do I love?
How do I live?
Care for others?
How do I give?
Moment by moment
Choice by choice
Listen to Spirit, the still small voice
How do I change?
How do I commit?
How do I soar?
Climb out of the pit?
Moment by moment
Choice by choice
Listen to Spirit, the still small voice
How do I grow wise?
How do I be still?
Consciously exercise my will?
Moment by moment
Choice by choice
Listen to Spirit, the still small voice
How do I master?
How do I awaken?
Get past those moments that leave me most shaken?
Moment by moment
Choice by choice
Listen to Spirit, the still small voice
How do I forgive?
Speak my deep truth?
Grow in my faith with limited proof?
Moment by moment
Choice by choice
Listen to Spirit, the still small voice
Open my heart when pain takes quick aim?
Push through and grow when buried in shame?
Moment by moment
Choice by choice
Listen to Spirit, the still small voice
How do I remove limits and let my light shine?
Dissolve those boundaries between yours and mine?
Moment by moment
Choice by choice
Listen to Spirit, the still small voice
How do I listen?
How do I hear?
Stay focused and open year after year?
Walk into the dark, ankles shackled with fear?
Which way do you turn when nothing seems clear?
You listen in silence.
You hear with your heart.
Fear is no enemy, its your protective part.
Acknowledge and listen to its tale and concern; fill your soul with compassion, you'll be amazed what you learn.
Clarity is here, always in your midst. Drop the lie that obscures it; embrace Truth that best fits.
Beloved, when all else fails be still and rejoice, here comes a new moment to make a new choice. Choose to seek oneness with the still small voice.
Lynyetta G. Willis, PhD #MyForgottenSelf c.2017